
The Lovely Tree

The excellent tree! During Christmas time, we will have a bright, tall, shiny, fake Christmas tree standing beside the TV and make-believe fireplace. It will be laden with lights of many colors and shine with a fiery spirit.

Beneath this tree of wonder, there will be many a wrapped gift. The red and green ribbons lacing the gifts will bring happiness to the eyes of those who gaze near it.

The Christmasy House of Wonder

Our new plasma HD1080p tv! The house will be dazzling with green, red, and white. All computers will have a winter-themed wallpaper background. The tops of the walls will be covered in shiny, red, electrified garland. The window-sills will be doused in red and green sparkles. On the TV in the living room, there will be the wonderful film, A Christmas Story playing 24/7.

The Fancy, Welcoming, Beloved, Couch

The perfect couch! The nice large red fabric couch residing in our living room will be coated in a silk-ish blanket with dozens of pictures of Santa frolicking happily around the world etched in it in green and gold.

During Christmas time, a couch is not a couch; it is a sacred object of imploding comfort. In this time of the year, it becomes one with the family. We will sit on it for hours at a time and it will feel not only happy, but also fullfilled and satisfied that it is doing its noble duty to the best of its ability.